Unser Team
2023/24 WARning the city/zens
2023/24 Telling Your Story to the City
2023 Urban Citizenship in Transition
2022/24 Wake Up! Cities
2022/23 Get Visible
2022/23 SUP: School of Urban Pioneers in Chisinau
2022 Stadt mal anders
2022 Time to Act
2021/22 Atelier: Überwindung der Distanz
2021 WWII: Erinnerung, Ritualen und Mythen. Critical Thinking Experience
2021 Act Out Loud — Fostering visibility of urban bottom-up initiatives
2020/23 COCAGNE: fighting against housing deprivation and exclusion of migrants
2020/21 School of Urban Pioneers! Young actors create liveable industrial cities
2020/21 Urban Intervention for Satellite Cities
2020/21 SUP: Young actors create liveable industrial cities
2019 Women Role Models with Gender Debate
2019 Ateliers d intégration und Erfahrungstransfer
2018/19 Memory Guides: Informationsquellen für eine friedliche Konflikttransformation
2018/19 Urban Pioneers for Russia and Belarus! Young Actors Create Livable Industrial Cities
2017 Friedliche Konflikttransformation im postsowjetischen Raum
2017 Youth as Actors of Change: Livable Industrial Cities in Northwestern Russia
2016 Perspektiven für Jugendliche
2016 Massenmedien und Konflikttransformation