"Wake Up! Cities" is a two and a half years European project which is aimed at strengthening cooperation between the urban experts and youth workers through exploring potential synergies of their competencies, focuses, access to communities, and working methods, e.g.: public participation, participatory planning in the urban context, placemaking etc. Within the project a transnational network of four partners will be created: CISR e.V. (Berlin),
Urban Foxes (Brussels),
CGE - Soziokulturelle Initiative Erfurt e.V. (Erfurt) and
Citizens ACT (Cyprus) as well as associate organizations active in the field of youth work, non-formal education, urban pedagogy and interestested in developing further cooperations.
"Wake Up! Cities" contains online and offline transnational partner meetings and project discussions, the Training of Trainers for 25 participants with the focus on placemaking for youth workers, youth leaders, activists, students, artists, youth policy makers, urban scientists and practitioners etc. The Training is an essential and participatory part of the preparation of the final public event of the project: Urbanconfest (Conference + Festival) 2023 in Berlin. Furthermore, one of the project's outputs will be the jointly developed and published methodology for the actors from the youth and urban sector.
The project is implemented within the EU Program Erasmus +.
The author is solely responsible for the content of this publication. The German Foreign Office/the Commission is not liable for the further use of the information contained therein.Project management and experts of CISR e.V.:
Anastasia Puschkarewa
Lilia Voronkova
Oleg Pachenkov
Valeria Rumiantseva